Larry Winget

I don’t have any interest in taking care of people. My interest is in teaching people to
take care of themselves.
– Larry Winget

Everything in life is a lesson. Refusing to learn the lesson means that it will be repeated until
the lesson is learned.
– Larry Winget

I love when people cry. It shows me that they finally have attached emotion to their
stupidity. When you finally, finally, finally feel bad to cry about it, then that shows me that
maybe you just might care.
– Larry Winget

Training is expensive. Books are expensive. Going to seminars is expensive. Being stupid is
even more expensive.
– Larry Winget

If your life sucks, it’s because you suck.
– Larry Winget

When people tell you how honest they are, keep your hand on your wallet.
– Larry Winget

Let me make this clear: There are no secrets. None. There is no new information. What it
took to be successful a thousand years ago is exactly what it takes to be successful today.
– Larry Winget

It’s better to have a good divorce than a bad marriage.
– Larry Winget

Three main reasons people are not successful:
They are stupid.
They are lazy.
They don’t give a damn.
– Larry Winget

If you are unhappy, unsuccessful, sick, or broke – please just keep it to yourself. The rest of
us don’t want or need to hear about it, so don’t feel compelled to share!
– Larry Winget

The problem with “self-help” is that there is way too much help and not enough self.
– Larry Winget

The number one, most important, get-this-or-fail short lesson for both work and business: Do
what you say you are going to do, when you said you where going to do it, in the way you
said you were going to do it.
– Larry Winget

Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy or stupid. Those are the things that
happen when you don’t have a plan.
– Larry Winget

Stress comes from knowing what is right and doing what is wrong.
– Larry Winget

People change when they want to change; not when you want them to change.
– Larry Winget

People don’t like what I have to say because I promise hard work is the key to changing your
life. Hard work is never going to sell like a positive attitude is going to sell, but it will get you
a lot farther.
– Larry Winget

Do you want to know a quick way for finding out if someone knows more than you do? Look
at their results. Results never lie.
– Larry Winget

Being healthy is a choice.
– Larry Winget

Do you have people in your life who have “done you wrong?” If you are like most people, then
you do. Are you harboring anger, resentment, and hard feelings toward them? Let it go.
Forgive them. Not because they deserve it – because they honestly may not. But do it
because you deserve it.
– Larry Winget

Want to be more successful? Stop doing the things that keep you from being successful.
– Larry Winget

Create the life you want to have by living by design and not by default.
– Larry Winget

“Be yourself” – Lousy advice! What if you’re stupid? What if you’re an asshole? What if you’re
a stupid asshole?
– Larry Winget

Do not listen to a fat doctor who smokes telling you what it takes to be healthy.
– Larry Winget

Actions change things. Nothing else by the way. Actions change things. Wishful thinking is
not a strategy for success. Hope is not a strategy for success. Work! Work! You prove to me
that you mean it when you change your actions. You prove to yourself that you mean it when
you change your actions.
– Larry Winget

Respect your boss, even when you think he’s an idiot. Because he’s still your boss and
deserves your respect.
– Larry Winget

Work hard on your job and work harder on yourself.
– Larry Winget

If you’re dealing with an idiot, dealing with a jerk, dealing with stupid people at work, or
whatever and you really want to drive them crazy – I know I love to drive these people crazy
– here’s how you do it: Be nice to them. They hate that.
– Larry Winget

Old joke: A guy goes to the doctor and says, “Doc, it hurts when I do this.” And the doctor
says, “Then don’t do that!” That’s the key to “getting a life.” Stop doing the things that hurt
– Larry Winget

Clean up your own backyard. Change by example. Just be the way you want others to be and
hope they pay attention.
– Larry Winget

Money comes to you as the result of serving others.
– Larry Winget

Mediocre people will be intimidated by your success. That’s because they haven’t been willing
to do whatever it takes to achieve their dreams, so their retaliation is to attack you for doing
what they haven’t been willing to do.
– Larry Winget

The Secret is without a doubt the biggest load of crap ever put on paper.
– Larry Winget

There is not one thing in the world you can do motivate somebody from where they are to
someplace else. So I quit trying. Instead, I guarantee you I can make so you irritated where
you are, you’ll do anything to go someplace else.
– Larry Winget

Common sense is no longer common. Neither is common knowledge or common courtesy.
– Larry Winget

Focus on accomplishment, not activity.
– Larry Winget

Don’t worry too much about people liking you. It’s better if they respect you.
– Larry Winget

Selfishness is a good thing… you have to learn to be selfish with yourself. Your first
obligation is with yourself. You can’t be good for someone else unless you are first good to
– Larry Winget

When someone says, “If I had a nickel for every time…” the truth is they would have about
35 cents.
– Larry Winget

Manage and judge the worth of an employee based on their results, not their personality.
– Larry Winget

Life coaches can be certified on the Internet for only $99 and most of the ones I have
encountered lead pretty sad lives. Ever heard the saying, “The blind leading the blind?”
Welcome to the wonderful world of life coaching! (Go ahead and write me, life coaches. I’ve
said it before and will continue to say it: If you don’t have a great life then you can’t coach
another person to have one.)
– Larry Winget

Do not listen to someone who is broke telling you how to be rich.
– Larry Winget

Happiness comes only when you rise above the approval of others.
– Larry Winget

When people tell you what a devout Christian they are, especially more than once, they are
usually anything but.
– Larry Winget

Life is simple. We complicate it and don’t need to.
– Larry Winget

You can circle up, hug, hold hands, and sing Kum Ba Yah for the rest of your life, but until
you shake it off and get started on the process of creating a new life you are going to remain
– Larry Winget

You must have the plan first. To get motivated without a plan is stupid.
– Larry Winget

Want to be rich? You either have to work harder, longer, or smarter – probably all three. You
don’t just get rich. You have to give up the things that are keeping you broke.
– Larry Winget

Good people do stupid, idiotic things. Criticize the action, the behaviour, and the result, but
not the person.
– Larry Winget

Feeling good doesn’t create change. Feeling uncomfortable creates change.
– Larry Winget

Don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash.
– Larry Winget

Make a list of everything you like/love about your spouse. Be very specific. Then tell your
spouse one of the things on the list every day.
– Larry Winget

Everything in life gets better when you get better and nothing gets better until you get
– Larry Winget

Do not listen to a preacher telling you that you are a worthless sinner.
– Larry Winget

My approach is deeply rooted in the most vulgar, obscene, nasty, four-letter word in our
vocabulary; W-O-R-K. That is where it falls apart for most people because they don’t want
to work. They want to think their way to success.
– Larry Winget

When people say, “I’ll try,” don’t count on it.
– Larry Winget

What you think about, talk about and get off your ass and do something about is what comes
– Larry Winget

Humans are the only creatures on the planet that spend every day doing things they know
will only bring about their own destruction.
– Larry Winget

No real success can be achieved until you accept the fact that your life is your own fault.
You are responsible. Your thoughts, words, and actions created the life you are living.
– Larry Winget

There are no bad little kids; there are only bad parents. It isn’t the kid’s fault he is running
around the restaurant screaming like a banshee; it’s the parents’ fault.
– Larry Winget

When people say, “Let me be frank with you,” it means in the past they haven’t been.
– Larry Winget

Regardless of what others may tell you, it’s not about your passion. As I know people who
are passionately incompetent.
– Larry Winget

Sometimes you need a pat on the back and sometimes you need a boot in the butt!
– Larry Winget

The world is full of way too many poodles of personal development. They’re giving out all this
crap that has no teeth. They are out to make you feel better about who you are. I don’t
want you to feel good about who you are. You spend way too much time loving yourself.
– Larry Winget

Success isn’t about passion. Success is about the combination of hard work and excellence.
– Larry Winget

This is my speech on how to deal with change: Shut up, stop whining, get a life!
– Larry Winget

To begin a journey and not make it is forgivable. Not to begin the journey at all is
unforgivable. What is the worst that could happen?
– Larry Winget

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
– Larry Winget

In the movies you hear the line “You complete me.” Similar lines have become popular in many
movies where the audience swoons when they are said. It has become popular to need
someone to the point that only her presence makes us whole. That is just sad and pitiful. No
one completes you. In fact, my plan is to write a relationship book called, “You Do NOT
Complete Me.” Nothing outside of yourself completes you.
– Larry Winget

Most people spend more time planning their weekend than planning their life.
– Larry Winget

Few people will turn to themselves to take responsibility for their results until they have
exhausted all opportunities to blame someone else.
– Larry Winget

Life is short – don’t waste it in front of the television.
– Larry Winget

Many people are much more committed to their marriage than they are to their spouse. Many
people are so committed to the institution of marriage that they stay in unhappy, abusive
marriages rather than divorce.
– Larry Winget

There are people who say money is overrated. Those people obviously don’t have much of it.
– Larry Winget

I know people who work really hard, yet just aren’t any good at what they do. So it doesn’t
matter. And I know people who are excellent at what they do. But they don’t work hard
enough for it to make any difference. So work hard and be excellent at what you do every
– Larry Winget

All good is rewarded even though it sometimes takes a long time.
– Larry Winget

I think most of the (self-help) books on the market today just help people suffer in comfort.
– Larry Winget

Stop telling your kids they’re special. Really! They’re special to you because they’re yours. I
mean all they had to do is be born to be special to you. Really! They didn’t earn that at all.
But the minute they step out your door, they’re gonna find out real quickly there’s nothing
special about them. You better teach them how to be good, how to be people of honesty
and integrity, how to work hard.
– Larry Winget

The only thing that stands between you and what you want, is you and what you don’t want
to do.
– Larry Winget

“So you think people are stupid?” No. I don’t think people are stupid. I know people are
stupid… However, I would like to explain what I mean by the word “stupid.” If you don’t know
any better, then you are ignorant. If you know better and still do it, then you are stupid.
– Larry Winget

Do the right thing no matter what.
– Larry Winget

I am sick of parents blaming the violence on television as the reason their kid just blew up
the neighbor’s dog or for school shootings. Violence on television and in the movies is too
prevalent – I will give you that… But lousy parenting is the real cause of messed up kids.
– Larry Winget

Never tolerate disrespect from anyone.
– Larry Winget

You have probably been asking yourself for a good long time why your life isn’t better. The
answer is that you aren’t willing to do whatever it takes for your life to be better.
– Larry Winget

Whining and refusing to take responsibility kill your chances of success.
– Larry Winget

When your teenager wants you the least is when they need you the most.
– Larry Winget

Many companies will hire you with no training and no experience and no skills and then train
you. Good news! You can be stupid and still get hired.
– Larry Winget

There as as many ways to get rich as there are rich people.
– Larry Winget

Most people have a tendency to consider trust as a factor that exists only in marriages. But
trust is a factor in all relationships: parent/child; boss/subordinate; friends/family members;
company/customer… Each of these relationships relies on trust. Once it’s broken, the
relationship changes forever. And in each situation, the relationship pays a price.
– Larry Winget

If your child is obese, you are a bad parent.
– Larry Winget

Affirmation without implementation is self-delusion.
– Larry Winget

Life doesn’t issue Get Out of Jail Free cards for being stupid. Stop expecting the world to
rescue you.
– Larry Winget

Never tolerate poor performance in yourself or others.
– Larry Winget

Worry is a waste of time and energy.
– Larry Winget